Saturday, February 20, 2010


Meeting this time I will make a summary of national income. Please learn ya ....
A. Definition of National Income
National income is the value of production of goods and services produced by the State within a certain period.
B. Concepts of National Income 1. Gross Domestic Product (Gross Domestic Product = GDP)
GDP is the total value of final goods and services produced by an economy that dlam certain period is calculated based on market value.
2. Gross National Product (Gross National Product = GNP)

Gross National Product = Gross Domestic Product + Net Income of Foreign Affairs
3. Net National Product (Net National Product = NNP)

Net National Product = Gross National Product - Depreciation + Capital substitutes
4. Net National Income (Net National Income = NNI)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Competency Standards: 6. Understanding Community Economic Activities Basic 
Competence: 6.2. Describe the main economic activities, which include kegiataan consumption, production, and distribution of goods / services
After reading in this module is expected that readers can understand:  
• Understanding and various economic activities  
• Understanding of consumption and type of goods consumed by students and families  
• Establishing the priority scale as the needs of students  
• positive aspects and negative person's consumption behavior  
• Factors that influence the consumption of someone

In everyday life we are always faced with the activities related to the economy. Any things we need most people to judge the material (money). Well at this meeting I will discuss the Main Economic Activities.
Did the children whether economic activity? Economic activity is all work or human effort to make ends meet. But in principle that economic activities can be grouped on three principles, whatever behold ..............
1. Konsomsi  
2. Production 
3. Distribution Very true ...........

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


After reading in this module is expected that readers can understand:
1 purpose and role of government in the financial markets.
2 The function of money in a system of the State economy and financial system.
3 The role of central banks in the financial markets.
4 The factors that determine the supply of money in a country's economy.
5 The risks arising in the financial market system.

As we know that the role of government in an economy in a country is very dominant. Similarly, in any form of economic subsystem, the power of government as an authorized institution looks for real. Authority as a regulator (leg ... .. lator body) and also as executor (executive) can affect the operation of each form of the economy.
Thus, the financial markets as one of the economic subsystem. Thus, the financial markets as one of the country perekonomiam subsystem will not loose (free) from the government's role. The problem is how much government intervention in every sector of the economy, depending on the political system that is treated in a country. Countries that have established such as the USA, such intervention of the financial market mechanism is not so dihendaki community. Conversely in a growing economy such as Indonesia, it is expected the government's involvement. Thus, how much government intervention in the financial sector in each country will not be the same. The reason, the government has a greater interest on the welfare of society as a whole rather than just the interests of the financial markets alone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


1. Definition of Micro and Macro Economics

Economics is the study of how people and societies make choices with or without money by using limited resources in various ways to produce various types of goods and services, then distribute them for consumption purposes in the present and future. Economics is divided into 2, namely: micro economics and macro economics.
Microeconomics is an area of science that analyzes small sections of the overall economic activity. The aspects covered are:
a. How and why economic agents make economic decisions?.
b. Behavior and interactions of producers and consumers.
c. The properties and character of producers and consumers.
d. Opportunity costs that arise as a consequence of choices made.
The assumptions used in micro-economics is as follows:
  1. Economic actors act to follow personal desires (self-interested behavior).
  2. Producers and consumers act rationally.
  3. Consumers try to maximize the satisfaction that may be acquired, are producers trying to maximize the  benefits gained.
  4. Kelangkaan faktor-factor.