Saturday, August 15, 2009

My School Islamic

Learn to represent behaviour change process which relative remain to. In course of this the change isnt happened at one blow but happened step by step depend on supporter factors learn influencing student. This factors is divisible to generally become two group that is factor intern factor ekstern and. factor Intern relate to everything exist in student x'self supporting study, like inteligensi, talent, ability motorik pancaindra, and the scheme think. factor Ekstern represent everything coming from outside student x'self which condition in study, like experience, environmental of social, method learning-theacing, strategy learning-theacing, facility learn and the teacher dedication. Its efficacy reach an phase of result of learning to enable it to learn more fluent in reaching phase hereinafter.

In general the achievement learn student is in Indonesia determined by its his cognate ability in comprehending swampy forest of Iesson items which have been determined in curriculum. Soemanto ( 1984:120-121) expressing that cognate behaviour represent action recognize or think situation whereabout the behaviour happened. Behaviour of depend on insight ( understanding or perception) to existing relation in situation. In kognisi happened by the thinking process and process to perceive yielding, obtaining, menyimpan, and produce knowledge ( Monks And Knoers, 1998:216). Thereby the cognate structure as result learn obtained by a student have multifarious form of manner.
This Praxis is we can see at notification value of each;every final of semester or final exems of each;every year-end of teaching. Each;Every student will own value which vary to each;every subject. So also the improvement tendency assess student will vary in each semester or each;every year-end of Iesson.