Sunday, April 18, 2010


Learning is very important for our lives, because we'll know by learning something new. Learning not to be reserved for students and the students wrote but also for all levels of society, because learning is widespread in nature. If in our lives or can be said non-formal, we will learn the name of experience, the saying goes "experience is the teacher's most valuable" right? Another case in our school learning environment in accordance with the recommended or suggested by our teacher, because it concerns a matter that we studied.
As for how to learn that many kinds, for example, learning by a group, discussing, arguing, playing, storytelling, lectures, observations, and others.

Well from here we will know for the umpteenth way of learning is most effective? If I personally think it's actually all the way to learn good and effective but it would be nice if it supported the child's own creativity and meteri what will be learned.

    on the math would look funny if we learn by lectures continue in the absence of direct practice, in this lesson children will prefer invited to practice counting and playing
    on science lessons, children will prefer to go directly to the field or observation
    on pelajarn IPS, children would prefer to be invited to debate and discussion and with a game that is not boring
    in literacy classes (computers, etc.) the child would prefer to direct the practice of facing the computer. and so on.

Essentially all of the lessons are the same children do not want to saturate and unfettered on certain subjects, especially the lessons that have become a scourge for students such as Mathematics is often dramatize a frightening lesson teacher let alone supported by a super killer, of children will be farther away on the lesson .

Point in learning is the child wants to learn who enjoy, or better known as Joyfull Learning

use of learning fun!!

For criticism, suggestions and any form I have to say Trimakasih for future improvement of the younger generation.

Upzt almost forgot ..... ya on this occasion I also want majang nih award of best friend and Simple Life Mhya of Rinda's blog
Well he is award from .....
Simple Life

I give this award to: Elok langita, Bunglon, Rinda, Rizky, and Dimas

from Rinda's blog

then that I continue on: Kang Ipin, Kiraitomy, 

For those friends that I have given mandate to be maintained and preserved please ...... Yeah ....  and Thanks...

See u again .....