Saturday, June 11, 2011

Method of Learning Debate

Debate is one method of learning a very important method to improve students' academic abilities. Teaching materials are selected and prepared a package of pros and cons. Students are divided into several groups and each group consisted of four people. 

In the group, students (two men took up positions pro and two others in a position counterproductive) to debate on the topic assigned. Reports of each group regarding the pros and cons of the two positions given to teachers.
Furthermore, teachers can evaluate each student on the mastery of the material covering the second position and evaluate how effectively students are involved in the procedure debate.
Basically, for all models as expected successful cooperative learning, each model must involve teaching materials that allow students to assist and support each other when they learn the material and work interdependence (interdependence) to complete the task.  

Social skills needed in business collaboration should be considered important in the success of completing the task group. These skills can be taught to the students and the role students can be determined to facilitate the group process. 

The role may vary according to task, for example, the role of recorder (recorder), maker of the conclusions (summarizer), regulator of materials (materials manager), or the facilitator and the teacher's role could be as pemonitor learning process.