Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Basically that human being requirement always fluctuate as according to multifarious activity of manner. From here I will elaborate about human being requirement, rare of and the economic system
  1. Requirement congeniality
    Requirement represent desire of each;every good human being in the form of goods, service and or the other which can give satisfaction for sepiritual of and also body to the continuity of its life
  2. Requirement type
a. Requirement of according to its intensity
  • Primary requirement that is essential requirement top-drawer requirement or to be fulfilled to by utilize to look after the continuity of life, like: food, beverage, clothes, and the residence.
  • Requirement Secunder that is second requirement as complement fulfilled by after primary requirement. Like; article of furniture, radio, television and watch
  • Tertiary requirement that is third requirement as complement of human life which accomplishment is avoidable or referred as by a requirement of luxurious goods, like computer, refrigerator, motorbike, and the car

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


For new blogger like I learn to represent a[n compulsion to increase our quality blogger. If friend have long address URL can change it by the name of owner and change Domain . its way very easy and perhaps should have had blog beforehand. If not yet had please click and Then open new browser and type or click here. Make account with clicking " create a new account", follow registration procedure till finish. Hereinafter follow the following step:

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Education world more and more to expand after cymbal government is obliged to learn 9 year. From one side a lot of party of private sector exploiting education world in large numbers found school assortedly is their perception and target. So that this become focus a lot of and socialize education observer wishing quality of education to more improved. Government have given assorted subsidize for education of like; Relief Fund of Student Operational ( BOS), Book BOS, Functional Subsidy for private sector teacher, and very seethe with excitement for teacher of private sector is with existence Sertification Learn in service which salary is compared to by a country teacher.....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My School Islamic

Learn to represent behaviour change process which relative remain to. In course of this the change isnt happened at one blow but happened step by step depend on supporter factors learn influencing student. This factors is divisible to generally become two group that is factor intern factor ekstern and. factor Intern relate to everything exist in student x'self supporting study, like inteligensi, talent, ability motorik pancaindra, and the scheme think. factor Ekstern represent everything coming from outside student x'self which condition in study, like experience, environmental of social, method learning-theacing, strategy learning-theacing, facility learn and the teacher dedication. Its efficacy reach an phase of result of learning to enable it to learn more fluent in reaching phase hereinafter.

History Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit Tinggi Sumatra. He was Indonesia's first vice president, later also serving as the country's Prime Minister. Known as "The Proclamator", he and a number of Indonesians, including the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, fought for the independence of Indonesia from the Dutch. Despite his efforts to gain Indonesian independence, he studied in the Netherlands from 1921 until 1932. Moreover, since his early education, he studied in Dutch schools in Indonesia.
Mohammad Hatta is often remembered as Bung Hatta ('Bung' is an affectionate title used to address colleagues, popular in the early 1900s and is still used by Indonesians).
Early life
Mohammad Hatta was born in
Bukittinggi on 12 August 1902 into a prominent and strongly Islamic family. His grandfather was a respected ulema in Batu Hampar, near Payakumbuh. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when he was eight months old and he was left with his six sisters and his mother. As in the matrilineal society of Minangkabau tradition, he was then raised in his mother's family. His mother's family was wealthy, and Hatta was able to study Dutch as well as finishing Qur'an after school.[2]


Maritime Wisata of Lamongan represent one of culture of Indonesian nation having tekstur of unique building solidarity of between history, cultural and modernize. Maritime Wisata of Lamongan or more knowledgeable with the title WBL represent place of wisata of exist in seaboard of very Lamongan suited for having the day off to all student which wish to enjoy a period to its vacation or for tired family by problematika is life can pay a visit in WBL. At shares of especial entrance there are took-toko souvenir by desain is very luxury introducing typical diligence socialize Pantura specially Paciran. Beside that there are market of fish of haul of all fisherman socialize Paciran and its surroundings. Is others equiped also with fruit market and vegetable, also market of dish and restaurant of food of sea which open each;every clock 08.30 WIB and closed at clock 21.00 WIB........

Monday, August 10, 2009


In Islam there is four months glorified by Allah swt. That Is, Month Dzulqa'Dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram And Month Rajab. In this months is mankind urged in order not to execute bloodbath. And for Islam people, this months is suggested to increase taqarrub ilallah.
Allah of Swt berfirman : " Real of number of month of beside of Allah is twelve month, in decision of Allah in time its create sky and earth, among other things the illicit four months. That'S ( desicion) of diametrical religion, Hence you don't maltreat yours x'self in month;moon which is four that, and perangilah clan of that musyrikin altogether as merekapun fight you all its, and need all of you know that of Allah therewith the godly people who."
At Taubah : 36
Rasulullah SAW suggest to people of Islam to execute fast ' Assyuraa ( fast of day of the tenth) from Muharram added by fast one day previously or after. Fast one day is previously named by Tasu'A, coming from word of tis'ah which its meaning nine. Because that fasting is conducted date of 9 monthMuharram.
This Matter pursuant to hadits-hadits which history of all friend. For example :



you so respect
I look for till tip of time
there our place is to meet

meeting in liking and sorrowful
I feel to like the moment you is there is
happy me in your gentle hug
oh.... love....

where you now love......
I am a long to wish to meet....
now a days debris love have faded
no more the rest of at heart

I am silent without x'self
nowadays all remaining memory
I surrender with the destiny
I deliver all at God

I wish to carve the bliss smiledly
is sweet
I will be obstinate to always experience the destiny
because me is wonder woman

Friday, August 7, 2009


Temperature of politics which hot progressively and distortion of economics growing difficult for one who impecunieconomics and politicsous. Oppressed small people progressively without there is which care.

1. Basis For Policy
Small and medium industry ( micro UKM) effort And represent economics activity source of most of Indonesia people of either in rural region and also the urban including various effort field type, good of agriculture, commerce, industrial and the service...........