Temperature of politics which hot progressively and distortion of economics growing difficult for one who impecunieconomics and politicsous. Oppressed small people progressively without there is which care.
1. Basis For Policy
Small and medium industry ( micro UKM) effort And represent economics activity source of most of Indonesia people of either in rural region and also the urban including various effort field type, good of agriculture, commerce, industrial and the service...........
Data BPS year 2002 indicating that amount of small and medium industry in Indonesia amount to more than 41 million unit of is effort or reach 99,99% from unit amount of is effort in Indonesia and have been able to permeate labour more than 76 million worker or reach 99,46. and UKM Co-Operation Ministry in order to supporting local UKM economic expansion and have executed various program for example development sentra UKM support MAP and BDS program, program micro finance development through compensation subsidize BBM, and also program ranch area development, plantation etcetera. The programs represent stimulasi expenditure for area, and the other;dissimilar side as effort triggering for development economic and social capital in area of through economic expansion nationality, that is and UKM co-operation.
Data BPS year 2002 indicating that amount of small and medium industry in Indonesia amount to more than 41 million unit of is effort or reach 99,99% from unit amount of is effort in Indonesia and have been able to permeate labour more than 76 million worker or reach 99,46. and UKM Co-Operation Ministry in order to supporting local UKM economic expansion and have executed various program for example development sentra UKM support MAP and BDS program, program micro finance development through compensation subsidize BBM, and also program ranch area development, plantation etcetera. The programs represent stimulasi expenditure for area, and the other;dissimilar side as effort triggering for development economic and social capital in area of through economic expansion nationality, that is and UKM co-operation.
2. Opinion Framework
defrayal area co-operation Development Concentration of at storey;level city basically represent construction effort model in order to service and effort to support development, operation and operate for KSP/USP of at storey;level city at one particular center is in order to obtained by a efficiency and effectiveness in defrayal area co-operation development. co-operation Development concentration needed by because some consideration representing determinant, for exampl:
a. Performance KSP/USP as co-operation very depend on his/its efficacy in executing co-operation principle, that is cooperation usher co-operation. Cooperation efficacy usher co-operation need coordination, training and education, division of labor, dinamisasi, effort cooperation and promotion which can represent the part of function of than co-operation development concentration
b. KSP/USP as financial institution need existence of observation function, development of network of service and product development becoming one of function of concentration of development of co-operation of defrayal area.
3. Strategy of Co-Operation in order to Area Autonomy
b. KSP/USP as financial institution need existence of observation function, development of network of service and product development becoming one of function of concentration of development of co-operation of defrayal area.
3. Strategy of Co-Operation in order to Area Autonomy
Co-Operation join in program of redistribusi of asset transparently. In this time gone into effectly it autonomy of area hence the technical duty of construction of co-operation represent governmental duty of city. Governmental of city is by xself given on to by various specific problem in area of each. There are at least three tipologi of regional economic performance, and each expected can give most optimal role for growth of co-operation in its area and also by regional and the national
a. Rich Area and the Area Expand with experienced potency enough
¢ Co-Operation become active perpetrator in the field of distribution ¢ co-operation of service Sector ( tertiary sector) developed in more professional
¢ Co-Operation of Saving And Loan instructed by man of interlending with Co-Operation of area residing in poorer vinicity
b. Co-Operation owned instructed to by big enough capital work along with co-operation of area which of a kind or for consideration of strategic partner
¢ Co-Operation become prime mover in management of experienced potency, Impecunious area of tilled experienced potency
¢ Co-Operation as medium of enableness socialize bersaan with creation of climate which kondusif for entry of the investor
¢ Co-Operation which have constructive together with investor manage strategic of existing asset.