Saturday, August 15, 2009


Maritime Wisata of Lamongan represent one of culture of Indonesian nation having tekstur of unique building solidarity of between history, cultural and modernize. Maritime Wisata of Lamongan or more knowledgeable with the title WBL represent place of wisata of exist in seaboard of very Lamongan suited for having the day off to all student which wish to enjoy a period to its vacation or for tired family by problematika is life can pay a visit in WBL. At shares of especial entrance there are took-toko souvenir by desain is very luxury introducing typical diligence socialize Pantura specially Paciran. Beside that there are market of fish of haul of all fisherman socialize Paciran and its surroundings. Is others equiped also with fruit market and vegetable, also market of dish and restaurant of food of sea which open each;every clock 08.30 WIB and closed at clock 21.00 WIB........

History which is the included in Maritime visit  tourism  of Lamongan is with there are nya of very famous miniature wisata walisongo in Java with spreading Islam religy. And drawing here is there are history of about wreckage of touring of Dutch which more knowledgeable with Van of Der Wijck diselitar of coastal area of Lamongan at century ke-20. others Maritime Wisata of Lamongan also there are assorted animal of sea representing typical distinguish place of wisata socialize coastal area. And now there are one location again which name is MAZOOLA ( Empress of Zoo Lamongan) representing one continuity of place of wisata of exist in Maritime Lamongan.

Means which is there are in Maritime Wisata of Lamongan is:
‰ Cat House ‰ Agility Arena ‰ Swimming Pool Freshwater
‰ Cinema 3 Dimension ‰ Spectre Hospital ‰ Palace Under Sea
‰ Samba Jet Propulsion ‰ Samba Balloon ‰ Mini Train
‰ Mini coulumbus ‰ Arena Drive ‰ Shoot Irrigate
‰ Laser Car ‰ Kiddi Ride ‰ Arena Play At
‰ Go Kart ‰ Motor Cross ‰ Galery Ship & Compose
‰ Goa Insectarium ‰ Piratical Den ‰ Tagada
‰ Glass Planet ‰ Adolescent Playground ‰ Boom-Boom Car
‰ Space Shuttle ‰ World Irrigate ‰ Swimming Pool Irrigate Sea
‰ Gamete Video ‰ Ski Boat ‰Boom-Boom Boat
‰ Cruiser ‰ Remote Boat ‰ Banana Boat
‰ Jet Propulsion Ski ‰ Kano ‰ Bridge of Sponsor Songo
‰ Amphitheatre ‰ Kampong Koboy & Indiana Camp
‰ Foreland of Frog of Beach Resort ‰ Long Boat
With solidarity of concepts of local of coastal area of Java and Global is which up to date, hence Maritime Wisata of Lamongan expected able to amuse society of both for coming from Lamongan or East Java, and also socialize Indonesian of generally.