In Islam there is four months glorified by Allah swt. That Is, Month Dzulqa'Dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram And Month Rajab. In this months is mankind urged in order not to execute bloodbath. And for Islam people, this months is suggested to increase taqarrub ilallah.
Allah of Swt berfirman : " Real of number of month of beside of Allah is twelve month, in decision of Allah in time its create sky and earth, among other things the illicit four months. That'S ( desicion) of diametrical religion, Hence you don't maltreat yours x'self in month;moon which is four that, and perangilah clan of that musyrikin altogether as merekapun fight you all its, and need all of you know that of Allah therewith the godly people who."
At Taubah : 36
Congratulation fast Muharram
Rasulullah SAW suggest to people of Islam to execute fast ' Assyuraa ( fast of day of the tenth) from Muharram added by fast one day previously or after. Fast one day is previously named by Tasu'A, coming from word of tis'ah which its meaning nine. Because that fasting is conducted date of 9 monthMuharram.
This Matter pursuant to hadits-hadits which history of all friend. For example :
From Humaid bin Abdir Rahman, he hear Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA say: Wahai of Resident Madinah, whereabout the moslem scholar all of you? I hear Rasulullah SAW utter, " This day Assyura, and Allah of SWT don't oblige fast to all of you in that day, while me fast, hence who will fast he shall fast and who will open he shall open." ( HR Bukhari 2003)
From Humaid bin Abdir Rahman, he hear Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA say: Wahai of Resident Madinah, whereabout the moslem scholar all of you? I hear Rasulullah SAW utter, " This day Assyura, and Allah of SWT don't oblige fast to all of you in that day, while me fast, hence who will fast he shall fast and who will open he shall open." ( HR Bukhari 2003)
Other Hadits is hadits in the following is :
From Ibnu Abbas RA, he say: when Rasulullah SAW hit town Madinah and see people of Jew is executing shaum assyuraa, beliau even also enquire? They reply, " This the high time, day whereabout Allah save bani Israil from their enemy then Mozes of shaum on that." Hence Rasulullah SAW reply, " I more is entitled to to Mozes from all of you", hence beliau shaum on that and command to execute the shaum. ( HR Bukhari 2004)
From Ibnu Abbas RA, he say: when Rasulullah SAW hit town Madinah and see people of Jew is executing shaum assyuraa, beliau even also enquire? They reply, " This the high time, day whereabout Allah save bani Israil from their enemy then Mozes of shaum on that." Hence Rasulullah SAW reply, " I more is entitled to to Mozes from all of you", hence beliau shaum on that and command to execute the shaum. ( HR Bukhari 2004)
Also there is relevant other hadits by what You ask :
From Ibnu Abbas RA, he say: at the (time) of Rasulullah SAW execute shaum Assyura and govern all friend to execute it, they say, " Hi Rasulullah of the day ( assyura) is day idolized by clan of Jew and Nashrani". Hence Rasulullah SAW utter, " Insya Allah if until the next year is I of shaum on its ninth". Ibnu Abbas say, " Rasulullah SAW die before until the next year" ( Muhammadan HR 1134)
From Ibnu Abbas RA, he say: at the (time) of Rasulullah SAW execute shaum Assyura and govern all friend to execute it, they say, " Hi Rasulullah of the day ( assyura) is day idolized by clan of Jew and Nashrani". Hence Rasulullah SAW utter, " Insya Allah if until the next year is I of shaum on its ninth". Ibnu Abbas say, " Rasulullah SAW die before until the next year" ( Muhammadan HR 1134)
Rasulullah SAW utter, " fast all of you on assyura and differ from the Jew people. fast all of you one day previously or one day after." ( HR Ath-Thahawy and Baihaqy and also Ibnu Huzaimah 2095)
Benefit fast of ' Asyura' ( date of 10 Muharram) according to Ash of Qotadah that Rasulullah utter: " fast Arofah vanish sin two year, while fast ' Asyura' vanishing sin one previous year." [ HR.MUSLIM:1162].
Imam of Nawawi of when explaining hadits of above say: " What is such by penalization of sin is peccadillo, however if the people don't own peccadillo expected by fast is the sin of is level of lightened, and if he even also don't own big sin, Allah will lift degree of people beside Its."
Congratulation fast Muharram