In general the achievement learn student is in Indonesia determined by its his cognate ability in comprehending swampy forest of Iesson items which have been determined in curriculum. Soemanto ( 1984:120-121) expressing that cognate behaviour represent action recognize or think situation whereabout the behaviour happened. Behaviour of depend on insight ( understanding or perception) to existing relation in situation. In kognisi happened by the thinking process and process to perceive yielding, obtaining, menyimpan, and produce knowledge ( Monks And Knoers, 1998:216). Thereby the cognate structure as result learn obtained by a student have multifarious form of manner.
This Praxis is we can see at notification value of each;every final of semester or final exems of each;every year-end of teaching. Each;Every student will own value which vary to each;every subject. So also the improvement tendency assess student will vary in each semester or each;every year-end of Iesson.